Just what is in store for the coming year? Is the date 21 December 2012 truly a Mayan end of "Time" scenario? Has this date been fabricated by others, and just who are the others? You may think that the old men bent on destroying humanity. Are the ones you see in the news, such as Henry Kissinger, The Rothschild, Rockefeller, political figures and such. Much is written about such groups as the Freemason, Bilderberg Group http://lionelboydjohnson.hubpages.com/hub/The-Bilderberg-Conspiracy---why-the-illuminati-and-freemasons-are-irrelevent The Pope and Catholic Church, Templar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_Templar , Israel, The Zionist http://www.serendipity.li/zionism.htm and many many others. As the old saying goes, 'everyone has a boss'. So just who do these groups truly answer too? Are all these said groups inter connected? Are they all trying too take control of the Planet's population? Are they all competing against each other? That answer you will not find here. Unless someone pops into my life to give such knowledge. I am given knowledge via messages sent in dreams or actually physical evidence. Some "Times" medical thing are done to my body during the night. And when I awaken a certain problem is gone. This to remind me who is really in charge. But as far as too who's doing what to whom. I'm not in that loop. Later today in my writings, I'll talk about who's the current controllers bosses.
One thing I've have noticed is that the year 2012 is getting great play. When I first heard of the year 2012, it was when I read the book called, 'The Mayan Factor'. This book written by Jose Argulles was written in 1987. And I believe he is the one who started all the '21 December 2012 End of Time' talk. Once I believed most of what Jose Argulles had to say was true. But the more and more I read what he had to say. The more and more it started to sound like this New World Order agenda. Jose died this year at age 72 (23 March 2011). The problem one has with anyone who gets plenty of press, from the totally controlled mass media. Is the fact they are probably under control from those who control the mass media. So was Jose only a pawn for the 'powers'. The 'powers' are always so many years ahead of the public. Did the 'powers' have Jose Argulles plant the seed? Of the idea of '21 December 2012 End Time' happening.
So just what is in store for the World, this coming year? With all this saber rattling, is WWIII just around the corner? Will a fake "Alien" attack be happening? Will the 'Second Coming of Christ', be in the cards? Will the World's economy be brought completely to a standstill? And folks are more worried about feeding there families, than what is be done to them behind the scenes? Any of these possibilities could be in the cards. One thing for sure, the 'powers' want a 'One World Government' in place. And a combination of all religions brought under one Wing, one "God". With that one "God" being them that's worshiped. With all this hoopla about 2012, being the year of decisions. Something is going to come down, in a big way. The Book of Revelations prophecies have for the most part been fore-filled. Sans one large remaining event Armageddon. And that is being prepared as I write today. And there is no doubt that the 'powers' are the one behind the 'Book of Revelation' and the Christian Bible it's self. So if everyone has a boss, who's the 'powers' boss?
Many are today hoping that there is a Savior to help them. Maybe the "Aliens" will arrive in a 'neck-of-time', to protect them from the evil 'powers' here controlling the Earth now. The Christians are sure there Jesus will protect them. All other religions have a Savior mentality. In reality you will soon find out just who is running the Show here on Mother Earth. I do believe this is a pivotal year. Just to much going on to not be. Right now while I write is entry, Chem-trails are being sprayed over me. I went out side for a moment to give the birds water. The air stunk of a heavy chemical smell. Not even sure I want to do my afternoon bike ride. The fact that the skies are filled with a constant white milky look. Tells you something isn't right. Why are they covering the skies with Chem-trails? This is a fact of life no one knows for sure, except those having it done. This is just one more fact that has me believing, this is a year of destine.
Well these are some of my thoughts about the up-coming year. Maybe it will just be another year of my life. And after 21 December it will just be 22 December. Only problem what will December 21 be like. Will the Middle East finally explode in war? With the western powers, going against the powers of Russia and China. Who say they will defend Iran if attacked. To me it's more like a big game being played by the 'powers'. They are in control of all the World's powers. And a giant or Armageddon type war, will user in a One World government. And once again, who is pulling the 'powers' strings? Some Reptilian off Planet controller.
"God" bless and Happy New Year
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