Saturday, June 9, 2012

"2012 Hopi Sojourn Journey"

This past weekend I made what is becoming my annual birthday visit to the Hopi Homeland of northern Arizona. I turned 65 on June fourth I think. On June 2 and 3, I was with Ahkima Honyumptewa, making recordings for my You Tube channel. I’d made all these plans of what I wanted to accomplish while up on the rez this “Time”. Instead of making a bunch of short 15 minute videos I wanted to make more of full length documentary. I wanted to plant myself in maybe Kykotsmovi, in front of the little market their. Then as folks passed by I’d ask them, ‘what was it like to be Hopi in 2012’. As the old line goes, ‘best laid plans of men and mice’. But before doing that, I’d promised Ahkima I’d do a video of him, with me asking him question, he had prepared. Ahkima has this urge inside of him, that wants to get some facts out about the Hopi to the outside World. And in the video I made of him at his bean field (Ahkima plants his Blue and White corn with squash in another location north of Kykotsmovi.). And this location is just north of where Ahkima lives in Bacavi. Here is a link to this video, make note of all the comments it generated from first day. And the fact that one particular person took great offense to Ahkima’s statement about the Gays. This person I’d communicated with several “Times” via YT private message service (Which I’m totally sure is not all that private.). This person started now attacking Ahkima, who this person loved before Ahkima’s statement about Gays. It got so bad I had to remove there last two posts. The point I’m trying to make about Ahkima’s video, is that most of what he has to say in the video, is from the Traditional Elders who live in Hotevilla. And I do agree with his statement about the Gays, it being an Unnatural Act. And is part of the reason the World about to go through what Ahkima and other Hopi Elders call a ‘Great Shaking’.

The first video was of Ahkima at him loom, making a traditional Hopi Shaw. (Because I’d had requests from folks to show Ahkima at his loom.) These shaws and belts are bought by other Hopi on the rez for traditional Hopi ceremonies. And Ahkima has won first place for his weaving at the last two Indian Fair and Market at the Heard Museum in Phoenix. In this video Ahkima starts talking about the message he wants to get out. I want to add that when I’d arrived at Ahkima’s Kiva. I had a headache and my kidneys were killing me, from 4 hours of straight driving to get their. First thing I asked for was some Hopi water or what I call ‘medicine’. In no “Time” flat, both my headache and kidneys felt fine. Not sure what it is about the water up on the rez. And I’m sure it’s one of many reasons the Hopi were placed their. After making the video of Ahkima at his loom, we headed to his farm land.
We turned off the main road between the Mesas just north of Kykotsmovi. Headed north about 20 minutes down a twisty dirt (sandy) road. Ahkima’s uncle lets him farm on part of his land and his uncle lives nearby, close to a ancient Hopi ruin. The corn blue and white with some squash were just sprouting and about 5 or 6 inches high (corn). First thing you notice is how wind sweep the area is. And it makes you wonder how anything other than native plants could grow in this environment. But within a few months the corn will be 5 to 6 feet high. Ahkima considers himself a farmer first and and an artist second. For as Ahkima says, ‘growing corn is part of being a Hopi’. And every Hopi needs to plant and cultivate there corn fields. The nurturing that is put into the young plants is a way of nurturing the Earth. And a connection to the “Gods” above and below. By taking care of the young plants you are practicing your bond with “God” and his creation. And growing your crops are a Hopi way of life. As you will see from this video, certain parts of a corn plant is used in Hopi ceremonies. Some Hopi no longer make the effort to grow there own corn, and must buy it from others. Other Hopi now use tractors to plant there crops. While Ahkima still does his planting the ancient Hopi way. As he says it’s back breaking work and you are always fighting the elements. First the worms attack the roots of the plants, then the rabbits take there toll. Then when the corn begins to sprout out the corn ears, the Raven next attack, feeding off the young corn. Ahima say this cycle keeps repeating itself up until harvest of the plants. And that the plants need much attention because no chemicals are used to repel the pests. An ancient way of protecting the young plants from rabbits is done this way. You get either dog or horse dung and mix it with water, let it set a week. Then brush it onto the young sprouts. The rabbits don’t care for this and will stay away from the plants, plus it’s a natural fertilizer for the young plants. Also when the young corn plants are growing. Ahkima puts his fingers under the soil by the roots, looking for worms. That is why in certain Hopi ceremonies the Kachina Dancers have white hands. This represents the act of putting one's hand into the roots below the young corn plants. Ahkima say that when he visits his fields every other day. He see that the plant are responding to his presence and seem to stand up when he arrives. I totally believe in this concept of the bond between plants and there caretakers. Every night before I go to bed I always say good night too the plants on my patio. Like Ahkima says, Hopi farming is a hard life. With fewer and fewer Hopi growing there corn, beans and squash the traditional Hopi way. You will notice at the end of the video Ahkima is planting some squash seeds. He will dig down deep in the soil looking for moisture.That is there because of the winter snows. Then during the summer months the Hopi Kachina Dances Ceremonies, are also to ensure that rain falls into there planted fields. Here is a link to the video called, “Hopi Dry Farming”.

Many have asked me why my bond with Native American tribes and mainly the Hopi. My patent answers is, ‘maybe I created them’ with a smirk on my face. What ever it is most Native Americans warm right up to me, except maybe the Navajo. The Navajo seem to show fear of me, with other Native Americans feel comfort with me. The Hopi bond has been there from day one, except maybe some of the Tewa who live on the Hopi Homeland. And Ahkima has decided that I’d be the one to get his message out. Not only is it Ahkima’s message, it’s the Elder of Hotevilla. And a message they have been trying to get out to the Whites and others for the past few hundred years. A message of warning, that your act effect and upset the “Gods”. And that enslaving other will only bring doom to those who have enslaved others. Ahkima does a great job of showing not only the Blacks have been slave. But in many ways all of mankind is a slave to the few who rule the population of the ‘Mother Earth’. Slavery comes in many ways, with diet, propaganda, religion, etc.. And that just as it shows on ‘Prophecy Rock’ north of Old Oriabi. Those that follow the ways of there master will have a bumpy life of ups and downs. There have been several vodeos about ‘Prophecy Rock’, but Ahkima points out the what is meant on the Rock is for the Hopi. And has nothing to do with the outside World and only warns them to quit following there slave masters. That the true Hopi will continue on for eternity. And if you chose the Hopi way of life, you become Hopi. For Hopi only means ‘The People’. As Ahkima says, ‘we’re all Hopi’. ‘The People’ who chose the “God’s” path over those who offer a life of constant food and water only, with no spiritual teachings. Without knowing you are first a ‘Spiritual Being’ and not a material being. You are enslaved without even knowing you are a slave to your material things. For mankind is weak and the there slave masters know this. So by offering a few things of the Material World. Most will give up there spiritual development quite easily. And will help to enslave those who chose not to follow those who are slaves to there slave masters. You see this with police and military very easy. They will keep the others in line with force or even death. If the general public does not follow the rules put forth by the police and military’s Masters. The police and military have been promised, a so called freedom and a constant supply of food, drink and shelter. As long as they enforce the rules of there masters, not knowing they are the most enslaved. For they have foregone the love of those who they are a part of. And they have thrown away there own Spiritual Development. Destin to a short life here in the Universe of Eternity. In this short video of Ahkima you will see what both Ahkima and me are trying to tell others. That a life of the easy path will lead to your own bad health and short future.

I’d like to say this about this sojourn (journey) up north too Hopi Land. As Ahkima and I waited for the winds to stop blowing, which they seem to constantly do up on the Hopi Homeland. To do the final segment of Ahkima’s ‘Message to the World’. I told Ahkima when he is ready to start telling his message, I’d start recording. We both waited for over 5 or 10 minutes so my video-camera would be able to record Ahkima’s voice clearly. We sat there in silence, waiting for the wind to stop. All of a sudden Ahkima said, ‘he was ready’, so I pushed the record button and nodded at Ahkima to say, ‘we’re recording’. Just then at once the wind stopped, and Ahkima and I both knew the “Gods” were ready to hear what Ahkima and I had to say. We both know that some how we’re connected and were meant to know each other. Like I said to Ahkima, ‘there are much nicer places on Earth to visit with my off “Time”. Then to come up here in the heat and wind to record the Hopi’. And reminded him, ‘the “Gods” have ensured I had both money and “Time” for this to be recorded’. To which Ahkima tells me, ‘he knows that fact’.

While on the first day with Ahkima doing these recordings. We finished up at his farm fields and headed to a Kachina Dance on Second Mesa (around 4:00 PM). The Hopi village sat on top of a small mesa. And the only place to park was at the bottom of the mesa. I live at an elevation of about 1,100 feet above sea level, while the Hopi rez is about 6,500 feet above sea level. The climb up to the village was pure hell and almost like climbing a ladder at 6,500 ASL straight up. Then when we did get to the top. We then had to climb up a rickety old ladder to get on top of one of the Kivas. This was the only way to see the dancers clearly was to look down on them. We watched for a while and the dancers seem uninspired. Just doing enough to show they were Hopi as Ahkima said. That’s when I learned why Ahkima only dances with certain villages or groups. Such as the dancers in his home village of Bacavi or Hotevilla. Ahkima told me that the dancers have lost there ability to do there dances properly. And were only going through the motions now. And that there is a lot that goes on in a Kachina Dance done properly. I told him we are having the same problem with our electricians now. And I believed between the Chem-trails and poisonous foods, that is the reason why. And for the Hopi it goes back to the same reasons, plus the Hopi for the most part have lost the ability to be Hopi, such as farming there historical lands. For me the drive up to the Hopi Homelands is hard on me, but I feel one more trip this year before winter might have to be done. Maybe to be there for the traditional “Time” of harvest, I’ll just have to see. For now, I’ll see what the “Gods” want me to write about next.

"God" bless


1 comment:

Molga7 said...

I would like to know more about Ahkima Honyumptewa, but there have been no recent updates. Is there anything new?