Sunday, October 7, 2012

"Me" pt.2

As I stated before my life made a dramatic turnaround at age 47. Being a believe in UFOs and “Aliens” from childhood, I was like most folks. I believed in such thing but had never had a real encounter, like I did on that one afternoon. The date was 18 March 1996 and the that summer I made my first venture up to the Hopi Mesas. And first started reading about the Hopi. Also that summer I found the ‘Stone’ that is shown on side with my photos. All these things hit me with in few months “Time”. Then to top things off as I said before, one morning I woke-up with bloody underwear. Even odder about the bloody underwear is the fact I never wear underwear to bed. Dr. Ruth McKinley-Hoover will play into this later. The following year or two I had several UFO sightings that were always accompanied with someone being with me. After the first UFO sighting the rest didn’t have such a great effect on me. Those I had them with with was another story. A son and me saw a Flying Saucer on our way back from the Hopi reservation. We were just north of Strawberry Arizona and the craft was right in front of us as we went around a bend in the road. The Flyer Saucer went from treetop to treetop across the road in front of us. The pine trees in that area are about 75 feet high or taller. Had another with a nephew on the Pima reservation east of Scottsdale. This “Time” it was two Orbs flying in front of us in perfect formation in an acrobatic dance. This lasted for 19 minutes, because my nephew timed it. When the event was over, my nephew was almost on his knees and in disbelief. He said to me, ‘thank “God” you were here with me!!!’ All this things were happening for a reason, but just what was the reason?

Of all the events that were happening to me, ‘bloody underwear’ was the most traumatic of all. I locked myself up for about 3 days and only left my home for essentials. I read in the newspaper that MUFON was having a little booth set up in a local mall. I needed to talk to someone so I ventured over there just to see what was going on. Talked to a couple of guys about my UFO sightings and showed them the photo of the craft, that was taken from my camera by someone else. (side pics) There was a little lady who had her own booth with the MUFON group. On the table at her booth was a book. On the cover was a picture of a lady who had the same crescent ‘C’ on her right shoulder as me. The little lady was Dr. Ruth McKinley-Hoover, who just recently passed unfortunately. I started talking to Ruth and within a few minutes I felt comfortable with her. We talked about the ‘C’ on my back and she said, ‘she had heard of a few others with the same mark.’ Then I told Ruth about the bloody underwear, and her response I’ll never forget. It was “Time” to tell you and you are special.’ My mind drifted into another dimension and I started walking around the mall aimlessly. I remember I suddenly needed to take a piss, which just seemed weird. With all the things happening to me at once, Ruth’s answer seemed probable, yet not. We are all the Creators children, so why this need to get my attention? And even today I don’t see my life being really much different than others that are trying to awaken others with either there writings or actions. After my meeting with Ruth, and spending “Time” with my new Hopi friends. My two sons from my second marriage came to live with me. That is when I realized outside forces were really controlling my life now. I could tell by where I was getting work as an electrician. Maybe this control was always there or I just realized it one day. That’s when I knew I needed to go visit Ruth in her office in Fountain Hills Arizona.

I called Ruth on the phone and made an appointment to meet her at her office. I found out before I went and meet with Ruth from an associate of her’s. That she was connected to John Mack the famous Abduction expert and the writer of the book ‘Abduction’. John was at the forefront before his death either by murder or accident in England, of the abduction phenomenon. Never felt I was an abductee but wasn’t so sure after the bloody underwear incident. I just knew that when something physical would happen to me. That on Monday mornings whatever was bothering me would disappear overnight. On my drive out to me Ruth my son and me noticed that an Apache attack helicopter followed along side of me on the drive to Fountain Hills down the Beeline Highway. It was like warning, ‘you don’t want to go down this road with Ruth.’ Nonetheless I kept my appointment with Ruth. I brought my son along to be a witness to what I was going to talk to Ruth about. As Ruth and I talked I could tell she didn’t remember from our conversation at the mall. Then part way into the conversation Ruth remembered the conversation we had. Suddenly she said to me, ‘I’m going to make you famous’. She wanted me to go on the UFO convention talk circuit and tell my stories. I told her I’d get back to her on the subject. The reason I wanted to talk to Ruth was about the control over my life by outside sources. That got thrown out the door as Ruth wanted me to join a private sessions she was having with others similar to me. I left Ruth’s office after I declined not to be part of her group. As “Time” went on Ruth made repeated efforts to contact me and ask me to join her. Her last offer was that only myself would meet with her and everything that we would talk about would be kept secret. I liked Ruth but didn’t like the idea of her being associated with Dr. John Mack. Because John was associate with Harvard University, whose research I didn’t trust. They had there agenda and I had my own.

After a few years and the children got old enough to move on. I started the idea I needed to start writing. Got my first computer and learned how to get myself around it. I soon learned that there was much I could find on my computer as compared to spending many hours at the Scottsdale library. (Learned how to use my computer from lessons I’d taken at Scottsdale Public Library.) My first writing I sent to a local radio station, that was before I learned about how corrupt all the mass media was. I knew I had something to offer because of all the things that had happened to me and the fact that Dr. Ruth was so interested in me. As I turned 60 and another anomaly happened to me. This one being the fact that I had hemorrhoids badly, and jokingly blamed the “Aliens” (you have to think about that one). I dreaded the idea of going to the VA and have an operation. With all I’ve heard about how dysfunctional the VA hospital system was. What ever happened I was spared that operation because one Monday morning I awoke with my hemorrhoids removed. Like a miracle I was cured, but I knew it was no miracle. I knew that ‘those above’ had come and spared me again from being part of the system. With this event it was “Time” to start writing, but just how was the question. Thought about a book, but figured who in the hell would buy my story. It was way too out of the mainstream thinking. Then I heard about blogging, and the rest is history.

Next thing I discovered on the Internet was all the radio type shows. One of the first was Blog Talk Radio. I started listening and looking for UFO type shows. At that “Time” there were a few good one such as Unraveling the Secrets, Florida UFOs, After Dark Radio, The Jackal’s Head are a few examples. One night in chat room for ‘The Jackal’s Head’ the creator asked if I would be a guest. Thought about it and figured what the heck, nothing to lose. A week later I was the guest. I’d agreed to do just one hour and just try and answer questions asked of me. My knowledge of the Hopi and Native American cultures intrigued the creator. As the show moved along, the chat room started to fill up more and more. Then the phone lines exploded with callers. Jackal said he had never seen that happen before on his show. What was suppose to be just an hour show lasted for two and a half hours. The only reason I said no more was of my voice and agreed to return on later date. After that initial show I got more and more request to be on other Internet shows. On was a guest on all the show I mentioned plus several others. Became a regular on Unraveling the Secrets which was the number 1 show on Blog Talk Radio at the “Time”. My buddy Jamie Havican who was the creator of Florida UFOs started Inception Radio Network, as an independent broadcast. I’ve been a guest on his show and a couple of others on Jamie’s network. I also got to be part of an interview of Travis Walton as a guest asking Travis questions. I was introduced to Travis as a fellow abductee, you could hear in Travis’s voice he was taken aback by the introduction of me. I would later make my own video about Travis Walton’s home area and where he was supposedly abducted from. pt. 1 of 2

Now I have turned my attention into recording as many Native American events and personalities that I can find. I meet Ahkima Honyumptewa at a art show at the Museum of Northern Arizona in Flagstaff Arizona. We hit it off well and Ahkima asked me if I would get his name out to the World. Here is the first recording I did of him in his Kiva in Bacavi 3rd Mesa. Just this last summer we did another one on my supposed birthday. This one seems to get a lot of comments because of Ahkima’s words regarding the homosexuals. Another Hopi Kachina carver I meet agreed to do a few videos for me. His name is Ernest Honanie and he lives on Second Mesa. Here Ernest talks about his UFO sighting over Old Oriabi. pt. 3 The Hopi folks seem to fill comfortable in my presences as you can see from my videos. For they know I want nothing from them but to show the World how the Hopi are today.

Now here we are quickly approaching 2012. What is in store for mankind, only “God” knows and not telling. Maybe it’s all just a giant hoax that can be used on the general public to push mankind along on it’s way to a New World Order. Maybe the Mayans myths have been misrepresented to bring fear to the general public. Many say there will be some kind of Giant Awakening, a move into another Dimension. The Age of Aquarius type of event. Mankind will just have to ride along and see just what unfolds in the coming months. I just wanted to show some insights to myself, a kind of credibility thing for myself. I left many interesting things that happened along life's path. But the idea I wanted to show was my honesty toward mankind and my brothers and sisters.

“God” bless on this Sunday afternoon, may you have sweet dreams with soft landings.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a awe-inspiring post and it has a significant meaning and thanks for sharing the information.Would love to read your next post too……