Patrick Lanza to me. 1st meeting on Old Oraibi, Hopi 3rd Mesa. When I 1st met, Patrick Lanza, great grandson of. Chief Lanza, of Old Oraibi And Lonnie . Whom you've seen in a recent video and others. As I age, I'll start sharing some of my moments, on Hopi. As 911, would play a large part. In me, not living on Old Oraibi. With Patrick and Lonnie. In my 1st visit, in my possession. Was a pic. of 'The Stone'. And all I wanted to know, 'Is This Your Stone'??? Starting on 1st Mesa (bought a Badger Kachina Doll, 1st ever, I'd bought), then 2nd Mesa. Finally on 3rd Mesa, village of Old Oraibi. Having only knowledge about Hopi. From books bought. And Scottsdale Library Main books, Old School. Learned very quickly realized, soon after arriving on Hopi. Throw all that research, funny. In the 'Shit Can' (US Navy, trash can) and all ships are. 'Ladies (Mothers) of the Sea'. From the Liquid Womb, of your Mother. To Birthing (Docking) on Dry Land. 'Rape' to the ancient Hopi, had a much different meaning. Than your modern day version of 'Rape'. Male animals 'Rape' their Mates. After being Lured in. This is also ancient Hopi, for 'Rape'.
Few years later before the, 911 Reality Check!!! Took my namesake son, barely 16. To spend a weekend on Old Oraibi. In my Yellow and White 1969 Ford Pickup Truck. 305 V-8 SB/Granny Gear. Long 6 to 7 hour drive from home. As we left Winslow Flying 'J', after filling up. For the 80+ mile drive across. Navajo/Hopi rez. 1st to 2nd Mesa, then the left hand turn, up the hill, to 3rd Mesa. Old Oraibi and Patrick and Lonnie. To spend the weekend, on Old Oraibi. Little did we know, about the welcoming party. Son was a Giant amongst the Hopi children. Who had gathered around. Like a Circus Act, coming to the village. As a friend said to me about the encounter. Should have never sent that letter to Lonnie. To let him know, you were coming.
As son and I crossed I-40, North across into, the Navajo rez, then Hopi. 6 Apache Helicopters, flew directly over us. At a very low elevation. All were loaded to the Hilt. With Missiles. Turned to my son and said. 'That's not going to Change what. is Written on those cliffs'. Years before I would be taken to, more important. Ancient Petroglyphs, Hopi or Not??? Hopi Petroglyphs of History. The Real History, and not 'His Story'. I'd walked into Past World History. And not His Story. No one wanted to hear the Real History. Only His Story. The pictures I was aloud to take on Old Oraibi, 20+ years ago. Show the Hopi/Mayan connection. Try to find that piece of His Story. Written anywhere??? After the show or intimidation. By the Apache Flyby. Heads into the Sun, heading North to Hopi.
Answering questions from the Hopi, on Old Oraibi. Having a great "Time", evening would bring. Something I'd never guess, would happen. Patrick showing us, how to prepare. Fresh picked Blue Corn, on the Cob. Teaching us some ancient Hopi Tales, life was great. Lonnie and I, would witness. Sometime in the Sky that night. Myself thinking it was the US Space Station. (Becoming a Flat Earther, would change that opinion.) A bit Scary, for Lonnie. Meanwhile, while Lonnie were walking around the village that night. Poor son, was being held hostage, by Patrick. Son asleep, unaware. What was going on outside, Patrick's Kiva. Beer and Hopi, don't mix, I learned that night. When I realized son, was locked in Patrick's Kiva, I freaked. Telling Lonnie, I was going to Kill Patrick'. Lonnie who's best friend since childhood. I wanted to take his drunken head off. Lonnie pleading with me, no, no, no!!! I will trade a Kachina Doll, for you son's release. Lonnie went to his mom's Kiva and retrieved a Kachina Doll. The 1st choice for Patrick, of Kachina Doll. Patrick rejected. Then Lonnie went and retrieved another of his favorite Kachina Dolls, he had made. It was 'Mud Man' Kachina Doll. 'Mud Man', represented. The 1st Hopi peoples, that "God" had created. For Mother Earth, 'Mud Man' would do the trick. Patrick opened the door, I ran in a awoke my son. Him never knowing, what had transpired that night.
Instead of staying in Patrick's Kiva. We slept in the bed of my truck, on Old Oraibi. It was to late in the night. To drive a couple of hours at night. To a Hotel room in Winslow. Was out of the question. To put a final touch of the whole experience. Patrick before Dawn, in total darkness. Woke my son and I up. Red Glaring eyes yelling at us. '"Time" to be Hopi'. I would learn that morning. About a ancient Hopi tradition, Patrick was yelling about. Patrick was on his way. Too a Child's 21st day of life. The Hopi children are kept in the Dark Kiva after birth. For the 1st 21 days. On the morning of the child's 21st day of life. The child would be taken. To the cliffs facing East, on Old Oraibi. To where the child's 1st Sunlight in their eyes. Would be on the 21st morning of Life. As I say about Hopi, 'All to Perfect'. Soon after this experience on Old Oraibi. I would not return for a few years. Upset with Patrick and Lonnie. Then 911 happened and the World changed instantly. I forgave the both of them mentally. And returned to Old Oraibi. A few years later. Upon the return arrival, Lonnie would kissed my hand. I asked about Patrick. Lonnie said, 'Patrick had passed, after something went wrong, at a Kachina Dance'. And that the 'Spiders came up from the floor and Killed Patrick'.
"God" bless on this Sunday afternoon, may you have sweet dreams, with soft landings.
PS: "Alien"
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