Sunday, September 5, 2021

"I Work for El"

 "El" is the word for "God", in Semitic languages. Including Ugantic, Hebrew, Phoenician, etc. "El'', "God" of the "Gods". In Hopi lore, "Head of all Ceremonies". In my Electrical World, EL means 'Electrical Load'. Amount of Electrical power, needed in the Wire. To accomplish the work. (aka: 'Creation') We have no clue, who "El" is. In the wires. We only have the ability, to move it around. Or as I tell the new electricians. 'We Turn Stuff on, and we Turn Stuff Off'. 'Simple Stuff'!!! We have no idea what's, in the Wire. 'Got a Pic???'  Many stories about, just who gave humanity "El"??? The powers would want you to believe. One of their Cats, discovered it. 'History is written by the Ones, with the Biggest Guns, nowadays!!!' Rome might just have, the answer??? Like the 1st phone system, surely a gift, from Above. You could go on, for ever and ever. Who really, built the Pyramids??? Taught the Southwest USA Cliff Dwellers, Architecture. Mayan's Temples and no Wheel Tracks. Current humanity, seems rather Primitive. With all the Killings and such. On all levels of society. 

'The men that chase the Devil in the Wire'. Was an early term for Electricians. When I started, in the early 70s, we were the Nerds. No computers for the masses, barely calculators even. We were hated greatly, by all the other Trades. On the Jobsites. My other electrical buds, were Ham operators, electronic buffs, etc., in the early years, pre-computers. When the Computer Age began, I fought it. I'd been forced (as I look back, on it.), to learn how to Wire the New Era Computer Rooms. With all their sophisticated circuity and controls. Backup generators or GenSets. I was building a Basic Computer. On  a much larger scale. Working on theses CR rooms all day. Last thing I wanted to learn. Was how to use, what I built to power and protect. Going from job to job, my life a mess. I was sent to 'Gould Foil' as a maintenance electrician. Where you orders for the day. Came from somewhere in Japan, true. I was given a scope and here. This will tell you, your project for the day. Then you must respond, when task is complete. Starve or Learn, basically. Really a neat process, to make the Copper Foil for computers circuitry and such. So here I am today, a Master Electrician, rather, I wanted to be or not. Before the Computer Age. I'd wire Custom Homes, large apartment complexes. All simple Electrical, I could wire all day STONED!!! Taken away. By a General Contractor I was doing several Condos for, in Phoenix. Declared Bankruptcy, a j$$$$w of course. Broke and down on myself with family. Get a Real Job bummer. 

1st job I applied for, I got. Never looked for a real job before. It was Compel Corp. who had worked for NASA. Doing Computer rooms power systems. The Top end of the Electrical world. from what I'd been doing. The rest is history. Forced into this new reality of Electrical World. Walking down a hallway, roughing-in Charles-Swab Mirror Facility. Largest computer room, west of the Mississippi they claimed. An old electrician asked me. 'Ever wonder why your always on these big government project???' A bit puzzled, but realized what he meant. 'because the government knows, who they want on their Projects'. Was his full statement, was he sent??? It's hard to believe, someone I recently meet. Would know my last employments. Anyway here I am today. Just finished a project for City of Tempe. Now just as in 2019 and the beginning of CON19. Their is nothing for me to bid. And just like CON19. As it appears the government. They would be introducing more Fake Viruses. The new one supposedly, being far more dangerous. Fear Mongering at it's best, for the masses. And it always seems to work. Maybe not so much this "Time" around hopefully. Mean while the powers, are prepping the masses for. A constant stream of Vaccination Booster Shots and even a pill to be taken daily. Big PHARMA and Big Bucks $$$$. 

Your body is all about, electricity or "EL". You are a Child of "God" or "EL". You are no more than an Electrical Driven Being. Every movement in your body. Is done by an Electrical current. Your Diet is  the Fuel for your Generator, that creates your Current. That's where the word Currency $$$ came from. That's why it's so important what Fuel you, put into your belly. The reason they use a 'Heart Defibrillator'. To restart your Heart, after a heart attack. It uses an Electrical Current to, restart your Heart. That's because your heart runs on Electricity also. My electrical work is 60 Cycles. Your Heart and Body, have their own Current Cycle or OHMs. Every known living Thing. Is an Electrical driven Entity. You are, what you Eat. Your Electrical Current is Derived from the Diet. Good Raw materials in, good Currency created. Your Brain tells your body what to do. Via an Electrical Current.

Your a Child of "EL". You are part of the Electrical Reality, that surrounds your World. When you Die, only Your Electrical Reality lives on. You simple move from the Physical Reality. Back to the Electrical Reality. Your Soul and Mind survive Death. You return to "EL". Maybe even a Bright Star. (Mayan,' Death of 400 Boys').

"God" bless on the Sunday, may you have sweet dreams with soft landings.


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