Blankets of Sickness, when the powers, 1st arrived from Europe. Here the Native Americans were told. 'The Blankets will keep you warm and safe'. 500 years or so, later. The powers to the masses. 'Here is this (JAB) vaccination. It will keep you safe, from future diseases'. Those, hypnotized by the power, of the TV "God". Verses those, however they got there. Standing Up for their Rites, under "God'!!! As this, what ever it is??? Has awaken the masses and divided the masses. As if, overnight. Is Australia, the Native Americans, 1st victim of the NWO??? The 'Test Car Dummy', to see how it crashes or not. The Aussies have no Guns, who's to stop the powers??? Why not, fine turn the operation. Before dealing with Ruskies or Americans. As both Russia and the USA. Tighten Gun Controls.
Like a 'Wet Fist in the Night'. While watching as many live feeds, as I could find. Coming out of Melbourne. When the Construction workers found out. Their Union representatives, sold them out. Telling them they all had to take the JAB. By a certain date, or no Work for the Un-JAB. 12:00 AM here, approx. late afternoon Melbourne. The riots erupted. As the Construction workers, attacked the Union headquarters. Finally the Aussie woke up. History was born, in the streets of Melbourne. Union leaders in the street. In a Fistfight. With those they supposedly represented. The true corruption of the Unions. Shown to the Aussie and World populations. With the rest of Australia, mostly calm. Why only Melbourne, in such a Lock-Down??? With a, 'Line Drawn in the Sand'. The government, verse the inhabitants Wants and Freedoms. A Dictatorship, born seemingly overnight!!!
Just as the Hopi, 'Line in the Rock', on Old Oraibi. Hopi 3rd. Mesa. 'Split of 'Clans'. One group the 'Traditionalist', wanting nothing to change. Not trusting the arrival of the Spaniards with the Baby Jesus tale. Other group of Hopi, choosing the newly arrived, Baby Jesus Tale. The Spaniards brought with them, in the 1400s, . Spaniards to the Hopi. Baby Jesus or Death. The Hopi were force to build. A Catholic church (pic on here) on Old Oraibi. Sound familiar??? 'Spanish Inquisition', spreading the Baby Jesus tale. Through out the known civilizations, Worldwide. Bringing Death and Destruction, in the name of Baby Jesus. Not much difference between, then and now. Controlling and Culling of the masses. The powers forcing the JAB, on the World. New Zealand and Australia, appear to be the Test-Beds. And now the World watches in Terror. This can't be happening. As the Aussie, Moms, Teachers, Nurses, etc., March and Stand daily. Only to be arrested and hauled-off. Absolutely Defenseless. All the citizens do now, is against the New Dictatorship. Stay indoors, outside you'll be arrested. All the Peoples can do, is March and Run from arrest. Look daily at all the private reports on YT. Small bans of Protesters, being chased like MAD DOGS!!! Come get your Free Blankets children.
Millions upon millions of Native Americans were slaughtered off. In the disguise. That all Native Americans are Wild Savages, out to kill you. Then suddenly the relentless Genocide stopped. This is the same, Great Culling now, it would appear. Why else Forced Vaccinations. When .97% of CON19 (aka; Flu) is survivable. Their could be only one reason. This collective forced Vaccinations, on the World's population. Again shows how organized this Vaccination operation is. As per Bill Gates, 'all future populations will be controlled by Vaccinations'. Now with the Forced Vaccinations on the Children. 'The Hand Writing is on the wall', as it's said. Fear, Fear, and more Fear. Is the order of Business for ever. Your going to Hell, without a "God". Any "God" will do, as long as it separates you from others. Ya know, your "God" is the best "God". All other "Gods" are imitations. As Santos Bonacci taught me years ago talking. All Cults or Religions, must have a Returning Hero. Just as the ancient Hopi. Return of the 'Blue Star Kachina' at End "Times".
Of course you have The government and NASA. Constantly producing Fear to control the masses. Just as the Slaughter of the Native Americans. And many other Races of Peoples. Now with a Fake Virus. Good old NASA says. 'A Massive Comet the size of a Planet. Hurdling towards Mother Earth', to boot!!! With Fake Space, Fear from afar is easy. Seems NASA announces these events a lot. Then lets the BS inbound Comet or Meteor, fade away in "Time". Only to add another, Space Fear. Can't wait for the Stinking "Alien" invasion to start. You know that's coming. when the JAB fails measurably. As most of the World's population is suddenly awaking. That the Comforting Blankets, being offered. Are Tools of Genocide. Who knows for sure, how this will all end??? I would like to think. These type events, such as the Fake Virus and Sky constantly falling. Move the masses Spiritual along. Constantly having to learn/grow Spiritually, for Mental Survival. To escape the Constant Fear Tactics. These are not the correct words by Hopi prophecy, but same idea. How the individual is pushed Spiritually along. If you believe that all, who lived in the 1st Hopi World. Have also passed through the current Hopi 4th World.
'If Life was a Sunny Day at the Beach. You'd never Leave'.
"God" bless on this Sunday afternoon, may you have sweet dreams, with soft landings.
PS "Alien"
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