Tuesday, October 23, 2007

"California fires, Bush and Cheney"

Name three things out of control, like a fire spreading out of control in southern California, Bush and Cheney want another war going. All three out of control, Mother Nature you can accept, but those other two guys are nuts. Look at their faces, two mad men out of control, I can't see a soul in their anywhere. If they come on the TV, I have to turn the off the tube, just to up setting to watch. Look into their eyes, I only see death in their, bitter old men dieing. Out to make your life miserable, as they are. Bush has some incredibly ugly daughter's and Cheney's daughter's a lesbian, it's like the "God's" made sure the DNA stopped their, no sons to carry on the blood line. Like in horse racing, the females are only the Dam, a place for the male DNA from the "Star's". The sins of the father's truly in place with them two, like their trying to drag "America" down to their level in life, just above dung. Cheney can't look anybody in the eye and Bush slurs his speech like a drunk at mid night. No wonder the World is scared of them, aren't we all. Their headed out of office, only one and four trust them and yet their still trying to make the World a worst place. Want to build missile defence system in "Europe", to protect someone in case "Iran" get nuclear missile, thought they were getting to blow the "Iranian's" up, any way. Isn't that what all this crap is going on now for anyway? Better stop, getting up set, It's like you can't get away from any of it, a bad dream, but not a dream. Southern California is burning up, getting back at these who plundered her, like another Jackson Browne song. Southern California people are hated by people in near by states. The White trash that settled in the southern part of state, were the dust bowl area people, destroyed their farm lands in the mid west, by over use, then moved on to southern California. A lot of the people who were to poor to make it to California, ran out of money. Settled in Arizona and the deserts areas between Phoenix and the mountain range that runs up and down the coast. Now it's pay back "Time", you can drive into L.A. at three in the afternoon and look directly at the "Sun", it's a brown ball. The White trash destroyed the land, air, sea. Now the southern California's White trash are leaving the state by the masses, to surrounding states, saying will the last White guy please turn off the light's. It has turned Latin since my childhood, now the entire L.A. area is nothing but gangs and killings. The Whites started it and the Latin's will finish it off. All the beaches are polluted, the air stinks of sulfur from all the oil wells around and no one to try and control, Big Oil. For the poor Mexican's this place seems like "Heaven" compared to what they left behind. Bringing with them all their problems, life has little value in "Mexico". Bush and Cheney should move to southern California, they love death and distruction. bye PS If I repeat myself, I repeat myself, age. Bush and Cheney are like, you know how much "Time" I've invested in this crap?

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