Saturday, July 11, 2020

"He is Finished with Everyone"

Guild talking about Older Male Elephants in India, as they Age. They leave the Family Unit and wander off. On their own. 'They are Finished', with that part of Life. They've seen and done enough. Reminded me of the Hopi Tale about Elder Chiefs. Who have finally seen enough, they want to see no more. As morality gets farther and farther, in the distance. They leave the Village, they have always lived in. All make sense now, the Sad Tale of Hopi Chiefs. Every generation experiences this reality. Now today, more than ever. Morality has left Mother Earth. Dear old Mom, looks now like a prostitute. I feel so sorry for the children.

Dear old Mom, was used to destroy the family unit. By using 'Child Support', and alimony. Now the wives have total power over the father. By the threat of, divorcing the father. Then the father forced into child support. And the child becomes a weapon, by the wifes. Now the women are being used. In the Planned Demic, as the police. They are called 'Karen's' now. The females are the easiest to Mind Controlled. Via the TV and media. As the TV and media has portrayed the male in modern society as weak. Not very bright. Even without a TV for 10 years now. I see it on the Net. The women now, because of the Mind Control. Think they should attack all those. Who haven't been Mind Controlled. Like me, a non Satanic Mask wearer. Don't even own a Satanic Mask!!! Yet I'm shopping as usual. The only one in the stores usually, without a Satanic Mask. Had only two 'Karen' attack on my old ass. And one other "Time" I used the. 'F' word while talking to an elder friend. Who like me is a little, 'hard of hearing'. And a 'Karen' nearby heard the 'F'. Came over and attacked me. Me having a private conversation, just WOW!!! And one 'Karen' in Fry's screaming at me. 'Put Your Mask On'. Ugly women, what can I say.

Us older ones now, who haven't been Mind Controlled. We are the Old Hopi Chiefs. As most aging folks, I talk to now. Simple just want out. They want to leave the village, their home. 'They Are Finished'!!! As it's all just, to much to witness now. The streets filled with mindless rioters. BLM is just a Jesuit pawn. Like the Satanic Masks. Masking the Past, tearing down the Old Monuments in DC and Southern states. Defunding police departments, to where the streets. Become Open Warfare. No answers for 911 calls. Pushing a Race War, that will never happen. All just part of the Illusion. 'Problem, Reaction, Solution', as the powers call it. Been a weapon for centuries. Keeping the masses confused, chaotic. Under control this way. Like life today, 'what will tomorrow bring???' Seems to be the main question. With a big, 'No one Knows'.

So like a bunch of Older Elephants, the few un-touched. Who look around themselves and wonder. 'just how in the Hell, did this happen'??? Are now the outsiders. Take your smartest and turn the population against them. This is American and the World now. I'm tired of the fight. I've given up trying to tell folks. 'Your Not a Monkey'! The counterattack of stupidity is too much to bear. 'OK your a Monkey', attitude now. Feel like the tale of  Baby Jesus sometimes. The TV has replaced "God". Because whatever the TV says, the masses believe. And all this "Time" later Richard Milhous Nixon's statement. 'Americans won't believe anything, until they see on TV'!!! (1960s) Is prevalent more than ever. And the Old Elephants 'shake their heads in disgust'. Have we come this far? Am I 'Finished with Everyone'???

"God" bless


PS: "Alien"

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