Sunday, September 12, 2021

"Screaming and Yelling"

 Accomplish nothing!!! Think about your Childhood. Screaming in a Temper Tantrum. But did you ever get your way? Folks in the streets, doing what now??? Screaming and Yelling. 100,000+ hit the streets in Paris, weekly now. Has anything changed for the French peoples??? As Politian's have now become, Dictators!!! Governor Newson of California recently said. 'If he was re-called from power. All Californians will Die from CON19'. Claiming his powers protect the Californians from Sure Death. How ignorant is that!!! Biden claiming he has the powers to force. Every American to get the JAB. Saying 'they??? are losing patience with the masses'. Are the 'Georgia Guide Stones', predicting the future population. Of 500,000 million, living on Mother Earth. Who's killing everyone off??? Bill Gates said, 'that in the Future, all populations will be controlled. Via the Vaccinations'. Kind of looks like, what's happening now, wouldn't you say?

Now the new Great Divide, the Hell with Race and Religion. Vaccinated verses the Non-Vaccination. With world governments, helping to divide the masses. Claiming the Non-Vax are the reason. That CON19 is spreading so fast. Those who's "God" is the TV against. The educated Free thinkers. Who trust nothing the government tells them. How could anyone in the Right mind. Trust the  government, after all the crap. Put on the American citizens. With 911 BS, waking much of the masses up. Folks getting ill. from unproven Vaccinations. Telling the masses in the beginning of all this BS. You'll have to Mask-up for only 2 weeks. To make this magical Virus disappear. Here 2 years later. Personal freedoms being Stomped on. By every Politian in the World. Businesses being Shuttered, churches closed down. Border closed, travel restrictions, that everyone is aware of. With the TV and mass media. Pounding away at the masses, Fear, Fear, Fear. With over half the country, buying into the BS. 

As the rest of the World's population. Can only Scream and Yell, being Disarmed. While in the USA, guns, guns and more guns. The largest Free Standing Army in the World. Are the Armed American citizenry. So many have predicted, folks would be dropping dead. After a couple of years, after taking the Con19 Vax. With reports of all the innocent Americans, getting ill from the Vaxes. Biden and many companies are, telling their workers. They must get Vaccinated or lose their jobs. Biden mandated All Federal Employees be Vaccinated. Cities telling the police officers they must get vaccinated. With cities like Seattle having 30-40%, refusing the Jab. walking off their jobs. Military members will start being Discharged. Who refuse the Jab. Throwing the Country under the Bus financially. Is that the Plan???

Always something being planned in the background, from the powers. The constant background sound of the. 'Great Reset'. Tearing down the World's financial system. Into some sort of Cashless Society??? To where all Financial transactions are recorded. That way, to be Taxed. More Screaming and yelling, can be heard in the background. Mainly from the Bitcoin, etc., and Drug dealers. Rumors that if you get ant Federal assistance, unemployment, Social Security, Welfare $$$, etc., will all needed to be Vaccinated. to receive their benefits. Just Scare Tactic after Scare Tactic. To move the masses, in the powers directed direction. Wars and Manmade Shortage, move the masses as planned. From Gas shortages of the 70s. To the TP run last year. Moving the masses with Fear, Fear and more Fear. Dividing the masses. Is easy, using Religions or boarders. 

And now you have the most diversified act of all "Time". A Sightless Germ, a Deadly Virus. No one can see. All based on a Theory, called a Germ. aka: Germ Theory. As folks walk around with a wonderful research tool, in their pocket. They will never use, except for Gossip. The TV "God" has the masses 'Spell Bound'. Overwhelmed with Disinformation and Fear. Teaching humanity to Fear. The rest of the Poisonous Germ carriers, other Human beings. To where it used to be. I need you, you need me. Now you only trust the government controlled TV. Once again, 'no Free Lunches'. For as in forever. 'The World is a stage. And your the Audience'. All media information, meant to Upset you. Nothing will kill you faster than, STRESS!!! That's why the powers never stop with Bad News. 'If it Bleeds, it Leads'. Using the children, as in. It's all about the Children's Future'. Now all the Children need to be Vaccinated. So they have a Future, BS. From a Germ that never existed. That is the Power of the Media. The masses left to 'Screaming and Yelling'. No Pitchforks or Shovels, rushing the Whitehouse. No just more, 'Screaming and Yelling'. 

"God" bless on this Sunday afternoon, may you have sweet dreams with soft landings.


PS "Alien"

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