Tuesday, November 20, 2007

"Nearing the End"

The Bush, Cheney airplane is going down in flames an everybody's bailing out before it hits the ground. But Bush and Cheney think they can put the flames out and save the aircraft before impact. Every day it seem someone new wants to clear their name from the poison of the last seven years. Soon it would appear all the players, Bush, Cheney, Roe, Rumsfeld, Libby and so on will be just a foot note in history of the most corrupt administration in "American" history. Already people like Rumsfeld and Roe can't be found, they have already went into hiding like other that have been pushed aside like an old news paper. Now ex-press secretary McClellan wants to make sure everybody know who outed V. Plame, and try and clear his name. Who's left to take a dive, condo Rice, the most powerful black in history is now only associated with criminals, thus making her one. Poor old Black's can't get a break, everytime someone gets a little respect, bang someone pulls the rug out from under them. Look no farther than recent "Times", O.J., Vick, and Bonds, only difference is they pulled their own rug out from under them self's. What is with the Black Karma? Vick going to jail for torturing dogs and only Blacks come out to defend him, how ignorant on their part. No other Race offered to support him, dumb ass Black's say, hey thats cool, why is that? Nearing the End on many fronts it would appears now, can all this be turned around. Like a "Mayan" story, only mankind can help himself now, no help from above on the way. Maybe by getting Bush and Cheney out of the way all this corruption will start to wane. "God only knows for sure, and he's not talking to no one here we know of, take that back, "God" talks to Bush. How increidibly ignorant on Bushes part, what a guy huh? Speaking of nearing the end, while typing this story a nephew called to tell me one of my brother is near death. Didn't even know what I was going to say tonight, just sit down and started to type. Saw the headline about McCellan on Yahoo, and said what the hell, Bush and his band of whores are easy pickin. I was dropped into a family of eight, six brothers, two sisters, from the FBI (while in the Navy) to all my family members, I've yet to find my so called roots. The Navy wouldn't give me a top secret clearance because the FBI couldn't or wouldn't tell me my birth place. Never was very close to the family I grew up in, always the out sider for good reason, I was. My brother just couldn't give up smoking, in the end smoking gave him up. Defending your self from your environment starts with your lungs and diet. His lungs gave out from smoking and soon without oxygen the rest is history, no protection for the rest of him. In the end Protate cancer was the final blow, people just got to quit eating "God's" animals. bye

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