Sunday, November 3, 2019

"Baby Boomers, We Were Set Up!!!"

Seems the Baby Boomers were set up as the 'Fall Guys'. All you hear on the Net now is, 'it's all the Baby Boomers fault'. The kids born after dear old dad, came home from WWII. The generation that would grow up. When the USA was at it's peak, in the World's economy. Why, because the good old USA. Bombed the other industrial nations, back decades. Europe, Russia, Pacific Rim Nations. All bombed and bombed, relentlessly. Like Germany cities bombed, after Germany was already was defeated after WWII. Japan cities 'Fire Bombed', to the ground. The Baby Boomer's parents, had a new Chevy in the garage, every couple of years. Only country manufacturing, the Cats with the Biggest and Most Guns. The good old USA, the land of Freedom. The 'War Machine' had been created. And everybody knows the line about corruption. 'absolute power corrupts absolutely'. With all the powerful, now in DC are Baby Boomers. Trumpster the actor, now running the country, sort of.

Everyone seem to think the World is going downhill quickly. That the great push for the NWO, is in it's final stages. With many Americans believing, that the nation will soon be in a Civil War. That's just not going to happen. First who would be the fighters? Who would led such an revolution??? Just more and more hype dividing the country. And blaming the Baby Boomers for the split. It's all Trump fault, BS. When Trumpster was placed and not elected. Baby Boomers verse the socialist, all looking for a Free Lunch. While the generations that came before. Everyone took care of them self's. Now the NWO wants everyone dependent on the State. For all it's needs, food, job, medical, etc.. When this Welfare State was started and helped along by Johnson and Kennedy. All part of a much larger plan, for World control. By only a few elite. Some believing a j$$$$wish Zionist control populace. (I still believe, 'All Roads Led too Rome'.) With the j$$$$wish banksters, controlling Americans purse strings. You want a financial Doom, turn off the money supply. You can see how easily the banksters, can change the economy. Remove Credit and Cash, Worldwide economic will crash. Powers can as you see, have control over. Who eats and who don't eat. Which country is strong and powerful and the poor countries. All done with a Pen and Pencil. America is the Cop of the World used by the powers. So the takers are well feed, like the USA. Empty belly's don't rebel!!! The powers created the Boarder Crisis, by staving out 3rd World countries. If Mexico's economy was doing well. Would the Mexicans be invading America? Blame the Baby Boomers, why not?

The baby Boomers are the last of the Native American art collectors. As I travel around to various Native American Events. You see the crowds getting smaller and smaller. Why, the Baby Boomers fading away and their wallets. As an Apache artist told me. 'Without the Baby Boomers buying our artwork. The Native American artists cannot make a living.' The last generation trying to help the Native American populace, will soon be gone. Who will replace the Baby Boomers, no one. The Baby Boomers were the last generation to Hit the Streets in protest. When the Anti-War (Nam) protest 1st started. It was all about. 'Quit killing our brothers in Nam, and quit fucking with the Natives Americans'!!! Look how most Anti-War protesters dressed? You see that Native American support in the clothing.

The Baby Boomers were Pawns, big "Time". Were used to start the Environment Movement. Who doesn't care about the environment? We became the 'Tree Huggers', as if saving the Forest is a bad thing. See how the powers twist things? Trying and stop the powers from cutting down all the forest for profit. Your a 'Bad Person'. Yet the American environment movement, was all about. Removing Americans from the open spaces. Shutting down back-roads and trails. Telling everyone, where they could go and couldn't go. All in the name of the 'Environment'. While the powers spray the Americans daily with Chem-Trails. Loaded  with an unknown chemical concoction. Americans lives are being shortened not lengthen. The children are Malnutrition. Without the ability to Rise-Up against the powers. Environment Movements is used to Steal land from the citizens of America. 'Endangered Species', was the Tool.

With the 'Endangered Species Act', miners and ranchers are removed from lands. That have been passed down through the family. Nothing to do with saving the environment. Pure and simple Stealing by the powers. As the powers could care less for the country they reside in. As the World is their play ground. Pride in country was used to create division. You Bad, we Good reality. Just as religion was created by Rome, to divide and control.

What does America have now? A bunch of Clones, used as walking Billboards. Look how the powers have dressed the Blacks. The Blacks are Billboards, brainwashed into believing. They can only wear major brand name cloths. Making fun of those who don't. Women are replacing the Baby Boomers in management positions. With little or no skills. All about destroying the Family Unit. As the women are like the Blacks. Easily coerced into leaving the Children behind, for a Job. Just as women were brainwashed into smoking like men. Will the kid with pink fingernails, skinny as a rail. Rise Up and stop this insanity? The Baby Boomers were the last educated generation. Peer Pressure was everything. In today's World, just completing is enough. This reality has stagnated the American populace. Now as our generation has noticed. Who will Stop the Dehumanization of Humanity???

"God" bless on this Sunday afternoon, may you have sweet dreams with soft landings.


PS: "Alien"

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