Sunday, November 10, 2019

"Committing Suicide, With a Fork"

21st Century American Diet, 'Death at the Dinner Table'. Coming Soon, to all the World's populations. Soon, any town in the World, will look like. A small town, out in Southwest Texas somewhere. McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, etc., etc., etc.. All lined up, Fast Food Diet is coming like a Speeding Train. Changing your gender, making you weak. The Train is so in Your Face. No one see the Train, the Fat America. 'Hidden in plain site', as they? say. By making cheaper it for the American family to eat Fast Food diet. The lives of Americans who fall for this crap. Will be shortened by decades. A life of Medical Bills and misery at an old age. Instead of the 'Golden Years', Americans will suffer mightily from the their poisonous life long diets. Another, 'just part of the plan', for an aging American population. With Birth Rates dropping massively, another part of the plan. Depopulation and physical control of the masses. All being completed Silently. No wars, no spraying the skies, just simply put, Diet. A slow painful death Cancer is. With CHEMO awaiting the uneducated soul! The Fast Food diet, put one on a fast track to Cancers. The Programming is never ending. Basting all Americans via the controlled mass media. Like, 'be all you can be', BS!!!

The generations before the Baby Boomers, ate organically. Unknowingly, before the birth of Preservatives. I never heard of a women getting Breast Cancer, as a child. Folks just got old naturally. Not the artificially Murdered with hidden chemicals in their foods. Can you read and understand, what's in the can of soup, off the shelf? Of course not, all 'part of the plan'. Your Early Death, 'all part of the plan'. The Native American population, was neutralized with Diet. Removing the Native Americans and putting them onto rezs. Given the Native Americans, a diet of Sugars and Carbohydrates. Instead of being Hunter/Gather. Eating raw what they found and cultivated. Nomadic tribes like the Navajo and Apache. Had no idea how to raise Corn and Vegetables. When forced on the rezs. Americans always made fun of the fat Native Americans. Now the American diet has become mainly, processed Sugars and Carbohydrates. Are their any thin healthy American left??? While having a Garden or collecting Rain Water. Are be made illegal in many states. 'All part of the plan'.

If your child is overweight, you are committing murder unknowingly. The first years of  the child's mental and physical future. Depends on the parents nutritional needs of the child. Now children are given Soy, in most everything the child consumes. That's why on the Net, Gay males are called 'Soy Boys'. 'Soy' being a 'Gender Bender'. Young boys now with breast, Soy. Read the labels on what groceries you buy. You'll be surprised how many of them have Soy in them. I was using Vegetable oil for cooking. Thinking I was using Vegetable by products. First ingredient, 'Soy', soy is not a Vegetable. It's a grain and most grains are bad for human consumption. Especially with mostly all being GMOs.

You are fighting for your Life now, secretly. The powers are your Enemy. Humanity is being Murdered, by a few. Humanity needs to fight back, not as a group. That will only get your ass, killed faster. Fighting back with Diet, because a Healthy Mind. Cannot be Fooled or Defeated!!! Other than by the barrel of a Gun. Today you have a Malnutrition Nation of Americans. Americans are to Weak Mentally and Physically. To stop what is being done to them. 'All part of the plan'. The 'Weak Minded', cannot rise about their current status. Look around at Obese Americans. See any, 'Stop Killing Us, leaders in there??? Nary a One, to be found!!! The Strong Ones are Secretly hiding, they see the 'Hand Writing on the Wall'. You see the thin older men and women at health store shopping. 'Just ask any of the older thin ones'. They know the, 'Hand Writing on the Wall'. As they are buying, fresh and organic everything. No Fat Old Men or Ladies. I've noticed, now in my 70s. No DUMMIES either, I've found out. Dummies get hit by Cars at a young age, ya know. Pushy overweight Souls, never get OLD. They must piss, the "Gods" off, I thunk!!! Politics are a Simple distraction, for all the BAD. That is being done to humanity constantly. Bring in the Christians, the Lions are Hungary. And when the folks tire of watching Lions eat Christians.

Certainly, an "Alien" attack is near. The Stinking "Aliens" are all over news and Net now. 'Preprogrammed Masses.' Americans newest and greatest Enemy, the Stinking "Aliens". Even my dear old US Navy is chiming in. With news of "Alien" crafts at sea. Now as a Flat Earther, with tons of UFO sightings. Always with someone, to witness. Not sure how to deal with the "Alien" issues. Only fitting words, seems to be, Hopi 'Ant People'.

"God" bless, on this Sunday evening, may you have sweet dreams with soft landing.


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