Saturday, January 9, 2021

"The Innocent???"

 Born into Sin, or a Child of "God"??? Can you have it both ways??? Rome gave humanity religions for Control. You were 'Born into Sin', you must Repent!!! Baby Jesus was put upon the World. When weapons could no longer, control the masses. Then other religions were put on humanity. Dividing the masses, by Race and Religion. Humanity was far to Innocent, to stand a chance. And now, maybe the Final Blow to humanity's freedoms. As the events since the election. Have ripped America apart. Red verse Blue, with Purple being the Winner. 

'No more Counting Sheep', from Serta commercial. With Donald Trump in 2010, look it up. Letting the World know, what the Future will bring. The fraudulent 2020 Election, put out, for the World to see. The corruption, in the American political system. What republican would ever Vote again. Knowing their Vote has no significant meaning. Voting means nothing to Americans now. Ask any republican, 'will you ever Vote again?' All I've asked said, 'No'. Thus from the Trumpster, 'no more counting Sheep'. The 'Great Divider', many called trumpster. Looks like they were correct, after all. As he lead his followers, into a Dark Hole. With no political way out now. As who trust anyone any more??? When it comes to 'Political Theater'. Folks have awoken to the facts. It all just, 'Political Theater'. The American voting system.

'Selected, never Elected', comes home to Roost. Where it always was. America is a Giant Corporation, no more, no less. The president is the Figurehead, of the corporation. And the word corporation comes from the Latin term, 'Corps'. aka: Dead. Trumpster, Trumped his own following!!! Mainly Christian and White. While trumpster is a Jesuit. Like Biden, Pence, The Pope, Fauci, Gates and most you see and hear on the Controlled Media now. This is the Coup, that changed Voting forever. All the Innocent Americans, taken down the 'Garden Path'. Where trumpster promised the masses. He was for the 'Little Guy'!!! 'Drain the Swamp, imprisoner Hildabeast', etc., etc., etc.. Even came out a Flat Earther, on a CNN interview. Trumpster would say, anything the masses wanted to hear. Just as all religious leaders and politicians will.

So just where are 'The Innocent Ones', being taken? Gun Control and removal of more and more personnel freedoms. Number One priority now. As a day after Biden's certification. By the Electoral College. Biden announced new 'Domestics Terrorism' Laws. aka: All Citizens of the USA are, Domestic Terrorist'. New 'Gun and Ammunition Laws'. To where, even Bullets are Federally Regulated and registered. Just as YT is taking down. Any YT channel, that tries to spread any truth now. You cannot use the team 'Flat Earth' when posting a FE,YT video. Built-in AI will remove YT video, with 'Flat Earth' in the title. So folks are forced to hide 'Flat Earth' connotations. Any attack on BLM, CON19, Stolen Election, etc.. Will be removed instantly. No more 'Freedom of Speech' anymore, anywhere. Unless it's directed at some White Cat. Then you can Bash the White Cat, into oblivion. 

You've been hearing the term, 'Financial Reset'. On the controlled media lately. Is this how the switch into the so-called NWO is done??? Shutting down all the 'Mom and Pop' business operations. Over some Fake Ass Virus!!! Sending millions of Americans home. With no financial income. Just as I was forced to work on large government projects. By simply, 'starving me, without work'. Then a phone call, about some government project. Their was work and income for me. That would force me to the powers projects!!! I can see little difference from me. Too the current situation confronting. America and the World's population. Just as innocent and naïve as me. 'The Innocent' ones, being slaughtered off. Just like the Animals the masses. Slaughter off every day for food. Now you have the 'Great Culling', of the population. With 'the Vaccination'. 'In the Future, all populations will be controlled with. 'VACCINATIONS', Bill Gates. The supposed man, who gave humanity the Computer. Will now led the De-population movement. With his Vaccinations. All Just One Big Ass, Dog and Pony Show. Until your Ass is DEAD on Arrival.

"God" bless


PS: "Time" "Alien"

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