Sunday, December 6, 2009

"Al Gore the Puppet Whore"

The fat turd Al Gore and his masters. Have been caught in a type of Water Gate conspiracy. A plan to steal billions of dollars from the citizens of the World. This would be the money needed. To help set up, 'One World Government'. Al Gore is no more than a puppet. Like his cousins before and currently. The likes of G.W. Bush, Obama the puppet, (Still don't know Obama first name.) Chaney and others. Turns out they were changing weather data. From America and other counties, Weather Bureaus data banks. This new scandal is called, 'Climate Gate'. The files were stolen from a British research center. The research centers name in England is, Climate Research Unit. Located at the University of East Anglia Britain. Removed from the center was 1,000 e-mails and 3,000 documents. This type of information was going to be presented at the up coming Copenhagen Global Warming Conference. A simple plan to blame the citizens of the World . For the fact, the Earth was getting warmer. Even though that has been proven wrong. Just like all the other tricks, used by the 'powers'. To fool the citizens of the World into wars. Such as WWI and WWII. Not to mention thousands of other smaller skirmishes around the World.

Once again, create a problem that doesn't exist. Then tax the citizens of the World to pay for it's repair. With the money going now where. Except into the pockets of a few. Like the fat turd Al Gore. The 'powers' are reduced to using morons like Al Gore, to further their agenda. Not some good looking well educated person from the general public. No they must chose from inside their own ranks. This is the only way they can keep the lies going. And hidden from the general public. The 'powers' have the knowledge to get the World off this carbon based energy. The problem is, that's their cash cow. Just like cancer in America. Is to the Drug and Medical companies. Even if, the Cat is out of the bag. It will have to be seen, if anything can stop the 'powers' from. Instituting their plan for a, 'Carbon Tax and Trade System'. A system that would further deplete the poor and middle classes. All these little pin pricks. Are planed to add up to a major wound. Such as the old line, 'death by a thousand small wounds'. Packs of rabid dogs, use the same method, to kill their food. And that's exactly what the World is dealing with. A small pack of rabid soulless humans. Who only agenda is more for them self's. And death and destruction to those, not in their small rabid pack.

I'd written about the fact, a few blogs ago. That their was more gold being sold on paper. Then their actually was. This was from a hunch that. What part of the current World financial system, wasn't a big lie and fix. Turns out my hunch was correct. Comex has started issuing paper on their paper. In stead of delivering the actual gold to their customers. They are simply issuing more worthless paper. Here is a link to a article, on the subject. Since that blog, gold has went straight up. And their has been a run on gold. Folks no longer want paper gold. Instead they want the real thing. And that has started a run for possession, of the actual product. The same way China is getting rid of their worthless American dollars. Just wait till countries like China and Japan unload all their paper dollar. When that happens, you'll see the dollar. Head straight to the trash pit, it was printed from. The dollar is backed by nothing. The gold from Fort Knox was stolen long ago. As I have written about, during the, 'Great Depression'. The world has awoken to the American gangsters. And now they want their gold. The next big financial disaster, will be the precious metal markets, paper brokers.

America has turned into a, Imperialistic Welfare State. You have America the military bully. With a citizenship that has. 40% of it's citizens on some kind of welfare assistance. How can this be? It can't for much longer. The rest of the world is tired of giving America credit for their goods. Then turn around and watch them fill the air with poisons, such as in the chem-trails. Bulling other countries such as Iran, Cuba and North Korea. All of witch are not on the federal reserve system. How much longer can America keep printing their worthless dollars. Before it all comes to an end. Another whore named Jesse Ventura. Is running around saying another tax should be created for Americas, lost wars. A 'War Tax' he calls it. He's asking for the return of the draft. Giving credence to the fact. If your are making national news, you are indeed. Just another whore like Obama and Gore. Just what the country needs, more taxes put upon a citizenry. That can barely feed their families as it is. Jesse needs to go back to his fake World. a World where everything about the final out come. Has been, pre-planned out. Crawl back into your hole in Mexico Jesse. America has enough whores running around already.

A Denver man named Jeff Peckman has proposed a commission. That would deal with the "Aliens". The commission would be called, 'Extraterrestial Affair Commission'. This would deal with eventuality, of final contact with the "Aliens". A few years ago, this idea would have sounded ludicrous. Not in today's world. He has already gathered over 10,000 signatures to get it on the City of Denver's ballot. If the 2010 vote gets approved. How many other cities and states will fallow? You would have figured, this would have already been done in California.

American laws prohibit the assassination of other countries leader. One way to get around this problem. Is to simply have a contractor such as Black Water do the job for you. Well now Black Waters CEO has admitted this has already happened. CEO Erik Prince has admitted the CIA has hired him for such assassinations. Prince said that his company who's new name is Xe Services, aka Black Water. Have also been hired to do spy work for the government. Problem is, how do you kill an enemy the government created called the so called 'al-Qaida? The lies never seem to end. And if you see the story in the Arizona republic. Their a damn good chance, it's a planted lie.

In Arizona news of late. The Hopi are opening a new 13 million dollar center in Moenkopi. Moenkopi is located in side the city limits of Tuba city. One of only three villages that are truely Hopi. The name will be called, ' Moenkopi Legacy Inn and Suites. (Try saying Moenkopi three "Times" in a row.) Here in Scottsdale, their is a Edgar Cayse center being opened. It will deal with holistic cures. The name of the new centers is, Edgar Cayse Clinic. A bill to kill the Pay Day Loan companies. Is under attack to be saved. These predatory business should be banned. Or lt least put on some sort of maximum interest. That can be charged for a short term loan. One again a law that was already passed. Has come under attack to be reversed. This tate is famous, passing laws during election years. Then to have the state legislators reverse the law. Medical Pot is a good example of that. "God" bless on this Sunday evening. May you have sweet dreams, with soft landings. bye

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