Saturday, August 10, 2013

"Religion and Self Policing"

Religion was created to control the masses, with ‘servitude to an unknown Master’. With all  religions based on faith alone, the percentage of people belonging to a religious is amazing. Over 80% of the World’s population belong to some sort of religion or cult. As of 2010,  ‘5,765,800,000’ (5+ billion) belong to some sort of religious group. With only 1,100,000,000 (1.1 billion) belonging to these types of non-religions, secular, nonreligious, agnostic, atheist. Now if all these religions promise a loving “God”, how did the World get to where it is today? That’s an easy answer, religion divides the citizenry. And that is exactly why religions were given to the masses, for ‘total control over the masses’. (You might add language.)

Not to say that all  religions foster killing those who don’t believe in there “God”. You never hear of the followers of Baha’is, attacking those who don’t believe like them. And there are several other types of religion that are non-aggressive. Yet the big three types of religions or cults, have been warring from day one it appears. Christians (including Catholics), j$$$$$$ws, and Muslims account for most of the warring of nation against nation. Of the 2.1 billion Christians, over 1 billion are Catholics. Which make the Catholic Church the most powerful religion on Earth. The Catholic Church landholding alone are massive compared to all the other religions. ‘Institute for the Works of Religion’, or ‘Vatican Bank’ is said to be the largest bank in the World. When you think of the Vatican Bank, think of the Rothschilds. The Vatican Bank has investments with the Rothschilds of Britain, France, America and Credit Suisse. Other banks associated with the Vatican Bank are, Morgan Bank, Chase-Manhattan, Bankers Trust, etc.. The Vatican Banks had thousands of shares of Gulf Oil, Shell Oil, IBM, General Motors (Chevy), General Electric plus many others that total over 500 million dollars. If every Catholics in the World only gave only $1 a week to the church. That would be a 1 billion a week or 52 billion a year. One can only imagine what the total dollar figure is, the Catholic Church brings in a week. These numbers get staggering, when you figure in how much control can be bought with that type of wealth. How the Catholic Church in reality can control governments, wars. Have even read where the Catholic Church created both the Muslim and j$$$$$$wish religions. As a way to ensure divisions amongst the masses in the western World.

When the Catholic Church invaded Meso-America, gold was what they were after, not souls. The peasants were told only “God” could possess gold and the Catholic Church’s Pope represented “God” alone. The Mayan leaders along with several other groups of Meso-Americans taught there followers the same message. And of course the ‘Golden Rule’ is, ‘he who possesses all the Gold, Rules’. According to United Nations Magazine, The Catholic Church is holding several billion dollars worth of Gold. Much of this gold is held by U.S. Federal Reserve, which has nothing to do with the American Federal government. With the balance being held in English and Swiss banks. The wealth of the Catholic Church in America, exceeds the 5 largest corporation in America. The Catholic Church is the largest financial power with wealth accumulation and property in the World. The Catholic Pope being the ruler of church, is the wealthiest man on Mother Earth, not the Queen of England. And no one outside of a few at the top of the Catholic Church, know how many billions of dollars the church controls. So when you hear how bad the Catholic Church is doing financially, that’s total BS. The Catholic Church can pay off quite easily all the monies owed in child molestation cases lost. The Catholic Church is no more than a ‘Money Collecting Organization’. Pomp and Circumstances at it’s finest.

And it is Pomp and Circumstance, that lures most into joining a church cult or order. You think American Christians would meet in the parking lot of Wal-Mart? Holding Mass in field, sure wouldn’t lure the innocent folks. People want to belong to something and organized religions know this. The fears that come with everyday life, are what the religions are built around. Ask a friend just before he died why he was a Catholic? Replied, ‘had to attach my Star somewhere’. The basic need to feel part of something much larger, I guess. Personally I go through life as an outside, it’s Hell, and tough to go it alone. To me religions have absolutely nothing to offer, other than a little mental security. The easy way in life, is to join a group, any group. Religions offer companionship, financial help, with the rest being blind spot in your mind (aka: you fill in your needs). The big question is, ‘what was the trade-off’? One could become an Elk, Mason, Lion, Shriner, etc.. These groups offer about the same as organized religion does. A place to hang your hat, other than at home. These are the easy ways of life. Will the easy path harm you in future lives? Most Native American, Buddhist, Hindu, believe it will. For what you do with your “Time” on Mother Earth, will reflect your future lives. Ever hear the line, ‘he’s an Old Spirit’? That’s because a real education takes “Time”, “Time”, “Time”. Reality is not a video game, reset and go back to where you started. You carry your past deeds with you into your next life, the Hopi, Buddhist and Hindus tell mankind. Become a Christian, it’s has an easy out.

If you had a World where everyone had there own personal “God”, growth mentally would be unlimited. And mental growth will cure most other ills, like finances and health. Instead what you have are religions that stimi the growth of the individual. The NWO want you to believe in their “God”. That way the mind control stays in place, your need for there “God”. There are over 20,000 types of Christianity now. All saying they are the ‘only path’. Muslim, j$$$$$$ws, Christians all say, ‘my way or the highway’. And at the very top of this you have some Entity stirring the pot. Divided mankind with religions and language. After that the World’s population were mere pawns on a chessboard.

Self Policing, is living proof of what I’m talking about. This elaborate plan to control the masses, has Self Policing built into it. The same kid who once played in the same sandbox as you, is 20 years later helping to imprison you. He could be a IRS agent, judge, politician, cop, or one of several other jobs that help to keep mankind financially down. Like some government agency taking money away from you, every “Time” you turn around. Americans are being told hourly how big brother is watching there every move. There will soon be, if not already drones overhead. This giant facility in Utah will store information on every citizen of the World. Your mobil phone and car both have tracking devices, soon your drivers license will be chipped.

I think this is all just smoke and mirrors. All part of ensuring the masses Self Policing. Got friends now days that won’t use certain words on the phone now. ‘System’ got everyone looking over there own shoulders and others. You can’t trust your neighbours, the guy in the grocery store, anybody. I’ve known what’s going on for years and I’m even affected by it I’ve noticed. With the new federal law that say’s the government can come and lock up anyone they want at anytime. Why have all this surveillance? If the presidents wanted someone removed, that person has a way of showing up suicided.  So to say the government (or whatever they are) has all this information kept on file somewhere, seems somewhat ludicrous. I think it’s just another way to steal money from the citizens of America. Like the Lunar Landings, just a way to steal, saying it’s for the good of the general public. And you don’t have to worry anyway, only the bad guys got problem with all this surveillance at your expense. If it wasn’t for all this surveillance, terrorist would be sleeping in your backyard. That’s what the government wants you to think.

Self Policing, is living proof of what I’m talking about. This elaborate plan to control the masses, has Self Policing built into it. The same kid who once played in the same sandbox as you, is 20 years later helping to imprison you. He could be a IRS agent, judge, politician, cop, or one of several other jobs that help to keep mankind financially down. Like some government agency taking money away from you, every “Time” you turn around. Americans are being told hourly how big brother is watching there every move. There will soon be, if not already drones overhead. This giant facility in Utah will store information on every citizen of the World. Your mobil phone and car both have tracking devices, soon your drivers license will be chipped.

I think this is all just smoke and mirrors. All part of ensuring the masses Self Policing. Got friends now days that won’t use certain words on the phone now. ‘System’ got everyone looking over there own shoulders and others. You can’t trust your neighbors, the guy in the grocery store, anybody. I’ve known what’s going on for years and I’m even affected by it I’ve noticed. With the new federal law that say’s the government can come and lock up anyone they want at anytime. Why have all this surveillance? If the presidents wanted someone removed, that person has a way of showing up suicided.  So to say the government (or whatever they are) has all this information kept on file somewhere, seems somewhat ludicrous. I think it’s just another way to steal money from the citizens of America. Like the Lunar Landings, just a way to steal, saying it’s for the good of the general public. And you don’t have to worry anyway, only the bad guys got problem with all this surveillance at your expense. If it wasn’t for all this surveillance, terrorist would be sleeping in your backyard. That’s what the government wants you to think.

Part of this Self Policing, now has Americans spying on fellow Americans, just like Germany under Hitler. These public warnings about keeping your eyes open to what your neighbors are doing. Are used to promote this Self Policing. Dividing the public against themselves. Then you throw in the fact the cops now look menacing. You got a younger generation scared of there own shadow. This Self Policing even affects the words the young generation uses I’ve noticed. With so many Americans now in jail or in the military to keep from going to jail. The honest masses incarcerate themselves mentally. The criminals will always part of the system, but the masses are a different story.

How long has this Self Policing been going on? At least with the beginning of organized religions. Religions are another way to make the masses Self Police. By putting all these chruch given morals to the masses to stand on and protect with there life. The masses will control the masses. Leave your hat on or not put your hand over your heart while ‘God Bless America’ is being played before a sporting event. This is just another example of masses policing themselves. The public school system, is all about Self Policing. The youth is regimented into a belief system, not of his own. Get up early, study your indoctrination, be a good citizen and above all else, ‘don’t rock the boat’. At graduation, you’ll be the perfect worker bee, the hell with your own life. From the day you were born without your parent even knowing it. You’ve been taught to Self Police. And just going through life doing as you are told by those who have chosen to be in charge.

Comet ISON in November will be as bright as the full Moon, maybe. And many are saying that ISON is Nibiru (Destroyer, Wormwood, etc.). NASA says that ISON is a iceball, others say no. That it is a solid object with many satellites revolving around it. ISON will pass between the Sun and Earth, that’s how close it will pass. ISON close pass to the Sun may destroy it. For the same reason that the Earth is not bombarded with objects from outer space. As thing coming in from outer space are picked up by other planets in the solar system’s gravity. In the last 6 month as ISON approached the Earth it should have gotten brighter, which it didn’t. That may indicate the iceball is burning up, if NASA is correct. Here is link to several pics of ISON.

Needed to get away for a day, as I am house bound until the swelling in 1 knee and both ankles subside. This is from the fact that the last few years I’ve been on larger job sites, that are hell on your ankles and knees. Been through this several “Times” over the years as an electrician. The only cure is rest, elevation, ice and heat. So to keep from going crazy, I headed to the Apache Trail area of central Arizona. This is some of the most beautiful deserts in Arizona. With four lakes on the Salt River that runs along Apache Trail, it’s a nice 1 day drive. At the end is a bonus, Tonto Ruins that set south of Roosevelt lake. (link) To get to Roosevelt Lake you pass by Canyon and Apache Lakes. Here is the video I made of this area. I’m setting on a petroglyph that my son-in-law gave years ago, he retrieved from an island on Roosevelt Lake. The dam was raised on Roosevelt Lake and the island this petroglyph was sitting on would soon be underwater. So my son-in-law removed before the water levels rose on the lake. Talked to a Park Ranger at Tonto Ruins about getting the stone into the San Carlos Apaches hands. Park Ranger informed me that the petroglyphs in the area around Roosevelt Lake were their long before the Apaches, who arrived some 600 years ago. So now the dilemma is, who gets the stone petroglyph? FYI: the symbol on the stone is that of reproduction.

Tibetan Book of the Dead

‘Elucidation of the Intermediate State of Rebirth’ pt. 2

If (the deceased) does indeed recognize this essential nature (of reality), he or she will attain liberation and avoid  roaming further amongst the six classes (of beings). But, on account of negative past actions, recognition is not easy to achieve, and therefore, one should reiterate (the introduction), in the following words.

O, Child of Buddha Nature, listen (carefully) yet again! The phrase, ‘Complete with all sense-faculties, and the power of unobstructed movement’ means that, even though you may have been blind, deaf or lame while you were alive, now, in the intermediate state, your eyes see forms, your ears hear sound, and all your sense-faculties are faultless, clear and complete. Hence (the tantra) says ‘Complete with all sense faculties’. Recognize this (sensory clarity), for it is a sign that you have died and are wandering in the intermediate state. Remember this oral  instruction! O, Child of Buddha Nature, ‘unobstructed’ means that the body which you now have is a mental body. Your awareness is now separated from it’s physical support. Therefore, this is not a body of solid form. Accordingly, you now have the ability  to move unobstructedly; penetrating to the core of all forms, you can pass through Mount Sumeru, and through dwellings, the earth, stones, boulders and mountains. Indeed, other than your mother’s womb and the ‘Indestructible Seat’, you can pass back and forth even through Mount Sumeru. Remember the advice of your spiritual teacher - for this (ability) is a sign that you are wandering in the intermediate state of rebirth. (Recognize this) and pray to the meditational deity Mahakarunika.

“God” bless


PS: “Aliens”

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